Didn’t take notes at the 2018 Annual Conference? Weren’t able to make it this year? See below for our conference resources including remarks from speakers, slideshow presentations, and photos! Click on the links below to access each resource.
Remarks and Videos
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Second Lady Karen Pence Welcome Video
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Marie Royce (State Department) Welcome Video
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John Thon Majok, The Wilson Center
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Derran Moss, Humanitarian Affairs Officer, United Nations

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Silk Road Welcome Plenary (Silk Road Track)
Albuquerque-Lanzhou Sister Cities (Silk Road Track)
Powerpoint: The Knowledge Traveling Along the Silk Road (Silk Road Track)
Albuquerque-Ashgabat Sister Cities (Silk Road Track)
Powerpoint: The Belt and Road Initiatives (Silk Road Track)
Chinese Belt and Road Initiative (Silk Road Track)
The Power of Hydropolitics (Silk Road Track)
Powerpoint: The Power of Hydropolitics (Silk Road Track)
Educational Opportunities on the Silk Road (Silk Road Track)
Powerpoint: Educational Alliances Under the One Belt and One Road Initiative (Silk Road Track)
LTC Bradley Howe: The Silk Road and Central Asia – Developments in Uzbekistan (Silk Road Track)
Program Resources Found in the Open World Leadership Center (Silk Road Track)
Powerpoint: Seismic Shift: The Factors Impacting Your Nationa’s Workforce – and Your City (NextGen Track)
Seismic Shift: The Factors Impacting Your Nation’s Workforce – and Your City (NextGen Track)
VIDEO: Social Entrepreneurs – A Real Difference (NextGen Track)
Highlights: Social Entrepreurs – A Real Difference (NextGen Track)
Ping Pong to Kung Fu: The Power of Sports Diplomacy (NextGen Track)
The Success Factor: Women Entrepreneurs (NextGen Track)
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Mountain Cities: Successful City and Sister City Collaboration Models
Smarter Cities: India Leading the Way
The Human Face of Cities Leading the Way
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Nuts and Bolts of a City’s Economic Development
Are You Covered? Sister Cities Insurance and Risk Management
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[button url=”https://sistercities.org/2018-annual-conference-cities-leading-the-way-photos-2/” target=”_blank|_self” style=”xsmall|small|normal”]See Conference Photos[/button]
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[button url=”https://sistercities.org/2018-annual-conference-youth-leadership-summit-photos/” target=”_blank|_self” style=”xsmall|small|normal”]See YLS Photos[/button]